COVID-19 Compliance


Preventing the spread of Covid-19

We are committed to caring for the health and well-being of our partners and customers and playing a constructive role in supporting local health officials and government leaders. Read about the latest decisions being made by the company and the actions being taken in preparation for COVID-19.

All employees must pass a health screening before starting the shift, this includes:

  • Non-invasive temperature checks will be logged before shift begins; employees above 100 degrees are sent home

  • Mask and glove usage is required of staff at all times

  • Case notification to the correct governmental bodies & an employee with a positive COVID-19 test is required to have a doctor’s note to return to work

  • COVID-19 training and/or COVID monitor on every shift to ensure policies are upheld

  • Our policy to all staff is, if you’re not feeling well, just stay home.

Employees will wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the kitchen and venue, and between interactions with guests.

  • Staff will aim to maintain at least six feet distance apart from other individuals at all times.

  • We will keep all service items clean and wrapped in the back-of-house until in use.

  • Once items are pre-set, we will ensure they are watched over diligently until guests are seated.

  • We will not leave condiments, silverware, flatware, glassware, or other traditional tabletop items on an unoccupied table while guests are present.

  • If anyone touches a pre-set item and walks away, staff will clear the item, sanitize, and replace the setting.

  • We will provide condiments only upon request, and in single use (non-reusable) portions.

  • If a buffet is chosen, catering staff will serve the food to attendees. Buffets, bars, beverage stations, and appetizer stations will be behind food screens or 6’ distancing spacers.

  • All beverages will be served by bartenders or servers. There will be no self-serve beverage stations or shared carafes. Our team will pour water at the tables and attend beverage stations.

  • Clear barriers may be required depending on the event and venue at an additional cost.

What the caterers request from our venue partners:

Regularly and frequently clean and disinfect any regularly touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, tables, and chairs.

Clean and disinfect the area used for dining (table, etc.) after each group of attendees depart, including the disinfecting of tables, chairs, stalls, and countertops.